Male Hormones
Female Hormones

Digestive Disorders
Intravenous Therapy
Chronic Disease

Weight Loss
Regenerative Medicine

Did you know that many of the symptoms you attribute to aging may actually be caused by a thyroid imbalance? Undetected thyroid problems have affected people for years, but now you have the power to feel better, by discovering A NEW WAY TO AGE. To begin, it’s important to understand how thyroid hormones work, and the effect they have on your body. Both hypo- and hyperthyroidism increase with age, requiring special attention. The thyroid gland produces hormones (T3, T4) that regulate the body’s metabolism. When your thyroid gland doesn't produce enough of the hormones needed, you have an underactive thyroid, a condition called hypothyroidism. This may be brought on by exposure to pollutants and toxins, a weakened immune system, malnutrition, or it may be an inherited disorder. Women are more likely to be affected than men. Hyperthyroidism, the reverse condition, is much less common.
What Are the Symptoms of Hypothyroidism?
The symptoms of hypothyroidism vary. At first you might barely notice the signs, like tiredness and weight gain, or you may assume they come from just getting older. But as you age and your metabolism continues to slow down, if left untreated, things could get worse. You may experience mood swings, increased sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, thinning hair, elevated blood cholesterol, muscle aches and weakness, impaired memory, pain, depression and slowed heart rate. If left untreated, advanced hypothyroidism may occur and although rare, can be life-threatening. The good news is that natural Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy may remedy the majority of symptoms, so you can get back to your former, healthy you. With natural Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy, the hormones are identical to the ones produced by the human body, so there are fewer undesirable side effects than with non-bioidentical hormones. Since thyroid hormone replacement therapy is a very individualized treatment process, you and your practitioner may discuss what specific treatment option is best for you.
Find a Practitioner in Your Area
Accurate thyroid function testing and continued monitoring with a practitioner experienced in natural Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy is an important part of achieving and maintaining your healthy hormone balance. Forever Health makes it possible for prospective patients to connect with qualified practitioners who specialize in natural Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy and optimal health. Like us, they passionately believe that everyone deserves access to integrative medicine, which includes Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), environmental medicine, vitamins, supplements, and cutting-edge, quality-of-life treatment. Finding a practitioner in your area through the Forever Health Practitioner Network is free of charge. And it starts right here!
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