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Digestive Disorders

Having trouble with your digestion? Are your allergies worse than ever? Here you’ll find the connection between your health and the toxic world we live in. If you’re ready to learn more and feel great again, we’re here to show you A NEW WAY TO AGE. To begin, it’s important to learn how your digestive system works. The digestive system, or gastrointestinal (GI) tract, absorbs nutrients that keep us healthy. Everything we consume passes through the gut, along the GI tract. Our digestive system is home to millions of types of bacteria, both beneficial and harmful. The good, “probiotic” bacteria provides healthy digestion, produces important nutrients, and helps build immunity to disease. But when that good bacteria is harmed by overexposure to environmental toxins, inflammation and disease can occur. It’s true that our bodies are equipped with a natural detoxification system. However, when we’re bombarded with toxins, we become overloaded. The list of pollutants, chemicals, and toxins that we take in every day is endless, from pesticides and fertilizers, to processed foods filled with additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients, to chemicals found in our water, and more. Our digestive system is also under attack from the widespread use of antibiotics, which deplete our healthy bacteria needed for fighting disease. Even if you don't take antibiotic medicine, most livestock is raised on antibiotic feed, so you end up indirectly ingesting antibiotics as well.
What are the Symptoms of Toxic Exposure?
Unfortunately, all of this toxic exposure may be linked to several digestive disorders. The symptoms vary, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and constipation. Allergies have increased tremendously over recent years, possibly triggered by unbalanced, processed food diets and weakening immune systems. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), referring to conditions affecting the GI tract, is becoming a genuine health issue. Digestive diseases seems to be on the rise as well. These include Inflammatory Bowel Disease, a chronic inflammation in the intestines; Celiac Disease, a disorder of the small intestine thought to be brought on by exposure to toxic wheat gluten; and Leaky Gut Syndrome, a condition when toxins and bacteria seep into your bloodstream and are passed along to your liver.
Find a Practitioner in Your Area
Luckily, now there is a powerful way to protect yourself from toxins, and get your digestive health back on track. It all starts with the right practitioner, who is knowledgeable and experienced in Environmental Medicine. Your practitioner will provide guidance, education, and expert care, enabling you to be proactive in the healing process. Just like the practitioners you’ll find in The Forever Health Network. Forever Health makes it possible for prospective patients like you to connect with many qualified practitioners who specialize in Environmental Medicine and optimal health. Like us, they passionately believe that everyone deserves access to integrative medicine, which includes BHRT, environmental medicine, vitamins, supplements, and cutting-edge, quality-of-life treatment. Finding a practitioner in your area through the Forever Health Practitioner Network is free of charge. And it starts right here!
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