Latest News — Weight Loss
Are Your Hormones Making You Fat?
Integrative Medicine Weight Loss

By Betsy Stander Mirabile, M.D., A.P.R.N.
Forever Health Network Practitioner
Are you struggling to lose weight even when you’re doing everything “right”? Or are you suddenly gaining weight although your diet and exercise have rspanained the same? If the answer is “yes,” your hormones could be...
Supplements Proven to Raise Metabolism
Integrative Medicine Weight Loss

Teenagers and young adults benefit from a high resting metabolic rate, which simply means that they burn more calories at rest than older adults. For those of us in the “older adult” group, wouldn’t it be nice if we could restore a more youthful resting...
Can Food Allergies Cause Weight Gain?
Digestive Disorders Nutrition Weight Loss

It’s estimated that a majority of the adult U.S population suffers from mysterious symptoms — like headaches, digestive problspans, body aches, insomnia, and even weight gain. What makes thspan mysterious is that they often go undiagnosed. This can be frustrating for both you and your...

The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland is located in the front of your neck and wraps partially around the windpipe. The gland is responsible for making thyroid hormones that control the metabolism of all cells in your body. If the thyroid overproduces hormones, you can have a condition called...