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Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative Medicine
Have you heard about stem cells and their power to potentially restore and regenerate? Learn more about the science behind all that is possible, and discover A NEW WAY TO AGE. Basically, stem cells are undifferentiated cells, almost like a blank slate. They have the amazing ability to divide and develop into many different cell types in the body. When a stem cell divides, each new one has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as nerve, skin, or red blood cells. Stem cells may help repair the body by replenishing cells damaged by injury, disease, or normal wear.
How Can Stem Cell Therapy Help?
Perhaps the most important potential use of stem cells is to generate cells and tissues for cell-based therapies, called Regenerative Medicine. Donated organs are now relied on to replace damaged or destroyed tissue, but finding enough transplants has always been a challenge. Stem cells offer the possibility of an endless source of replacement cells and tissues. Today, stem cell transplants are performed as bone marrow transplants. The stem cells replace cells that are damaged by disease, chemotherapy or in an effort to help the immune system fight cancer. Although we’re waiting for the many advancements in stem cell therapy to be approved, there are revolutionary procedures performed today that people believe to have been crucial to their recovery. Breast rejuvenation, for example, uses the patient’s own stem cells to grow new breast tissue, and is thought to be a vital alternative for some breast cancer survivors. There is significant hope that stem cell therapy will provide astonishing anti-aging breakthroughs, by turning back time through the creation of younger cells that regenerate or repair tissues of the aging body. This may include the tissues in a body ravaged by disease, as well as the degenerative disorders associated with normal aging. Research continues to test stem cells in the fight against disease. It is thought that stem cell therapy may be the future in healing damaged tissues and organs, and may possibly hold the key to treating conditions from heart disease to cancer, offering hope for millions.
Find a Practitioner in Your Area
If you’d like to learn more about stem cell therapy, your first step is finding the right practitioner. You’ll want a practitioner who is knowledgeable and experienced in Integrative Medicine, and who will provide you with guidance and expert care. Just like the practitioners you’ll find in the Forever Health Network. Forever Health makes it possible for prospective patients like you to connect with many qualified practitioners who specialize in optimal health. Like us, they passionately believe that everyone deserves access to integrative medicine, which includes BHRT, environmental medicine, vitamins, supplements, and cutting-edge, quality-of-life treatment. Finding a practitioner in your area through the Forever Health Practitioner Network is free of charge. And it starts right here!
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