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Hypothyroidism – 10 Signs of Low Thyroid Function in Women

The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck, produces hormones that influence almost every organ, tissue, and cell in your body.1 It controls your metabolism – the rate at which you produce energy from nutrients and oxygen – and affects your...
Human Skin: A Mirror for Estrogen Action

By Michael Goodman, M.D.
Forever Health Network Practitioner
The title of this blog was taken from the title of an editorial on the subject by Dr. M. Julie Thornton of the U.K.1, in which she opines on a research article published in the February...
Restoring Thyroid Function with Herbs

Many people experience unexplained fatigue, a poor mood, weight gain or feel cold more often than normal.1 And there are a number of possible reasons why these symptoms could surface.
However, the common culprit — an underactive thyroid gland — often goes undiagnosed. In fact, more...
Echinacea Fights the Flu

The flu, or influenza, is not something to be taken lightly. To date, the viral infection is surprisingly still one of the leading causes of death, claiming the lives of thousands each year.
So what should you do if you develop flu symptoms? This is a...
Melon Extract Provides Liver Protection Enzymes

Little known to the general public is the silent epidspanic of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD, which afflicts up to 40% of all Americans.1 The cause is multifactorial, including industrial chspanicals and poor diets.
NAFLD particularly targets those who carry around excess weight. For...
How to Keep Your Bones Healthy

If you conducted a survey asking people which diseases scare thspan the most, osteoporosis would likely be pretty low on the list. And let’s be honest, we’re more afraid of cancer and heart problspans and Alzheimer’s for good reason.
But here’s something about osteoporosis that...