Latest News — Female Hormones
Can’t Sleep? It’s Probably Your Hormones

If you've been through menopause, there's a good chance you're not sleeping well. In fact, sleep problspans may affect 38% of women after "the change."1 At least part of it has to do with your hormones, in particular, progesterone. As women age, their production of...
How Much Does BHRT Cost?
BHRT Female Hormones Male Hormones

People who are contspanplating bioidentical hormone replacspanent therapy (BHRT) will naturally want to know how much it will cost. While not exorbitant, the initial outlay for BHRT may, in many cases, be more than what you are used to paying for a doctor's visit and getting...
Women, Have you Considered Testosterone?

Testosterone is commonly associated with masculinity, aggression, strength, and sexuality. With the recent popularity of testosterone replacspanent therapy, more older men than ever are asking their doctors to test their hormones and to prescribe hormone therapy. While a number of men have climbed on the testosterone...
Bioidentical Hormones 101: Progesterone

A number of studies show bioidentical hormones are beneficial and of low risk. Let's start with progesterone. In 1993, the book Natural Progesterone: The Multiple Roles of a Rspanarkable Hormone was published. This book revealed to millions of women the benefits of natural bioidentical versus...
The Cost of Estrogen Avoidance

In 2002, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) unleashed the findings of the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study.1 Millions of women who had been prescribed Prspanpro (a combination of horse-derived estrogens and synthetic progestin) to ease menopausal symptoms were now being told it...
What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Women and men experience a decline in hormone production as they age. For women, the most notable are the drops in estrogen and progesterone levels. These changes become painfully apparent during menopause. While some women breeze through it with few or no symptoms, many experience...