Benefits of Progesterone Replacement
- Precursor to the sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone)1
- Maintains uterine lining2
- Promotes the survival of the embryo and fetus throughout gestation3-5
- Supports hormonal balance supporting breast tissue against fibrocystic breasts6
- Natural diuretic7
- Supports healthy moods by itself and when balanced with other hormones8-14
- Aids thyroid hormone action15-18
- Supports healthy blood clotting19-21
- Supports a healthy brain and neuroplasticity22-28
- Helps healthy blood sugar levels29-34
- Protects against abnormal cell development in the endometrium and breast tissue35-40
- Sustains strong bones41-43
Side Effects
There are no side effects associated with natural progesterone. However, women who are estrogen-dominant may experience premenstrual mood swings, depression, breast swelling, heavy or irregular periods, and sleep disturbances. If a dose of progesterone is missed, a woman may experience menstrual bleeding.Administration
Natural progesterone comes in many forms, most commonly a topical cream, an oral capsule, and a sublingual tablet. Progesterone’s half-life is approximately eight hours, which results in the need to take natural progesterone twice a day. Progesterone levels should be measured by a physician to ensure levels are in a therapeutic range.Related Articles:
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